A Recent repeat of the homofobic attack launched by SAP GARSFONTEIN similar to the raid in 2005 on CAMP DAVID whereby members of SAP Brooklyn stormed into CD BAR, then at Selati street, happened (notwithstanding the interdict issued back in 2005 against SAP) as very nora SAP Garsfontein homofobic members arrived at CD Waterglen claiming the new CD to be a "brothel" and selling liquor "illegally" even headed by the station commander himself and several of his power hungry caders, were met with fierce resistance and slapped with an expensive urgent court interdict in the aftermath again few weeks ago - issued by the High Court obtained by the furious owner Danie Hamman - which left the SAP with dozens of vrot egg in the face when the very angry judge ruled vastly in favor of the applicant (Danie) giving legal rights and permission to immediately continue with his business as is. The high court (judge) also ruled that police may not in any way interfere with "activities" at Camp David, that the liquor licence is absolute legitimate and valid, and that Danie may " amplify" his relief sought from the court such as claiming damages from the members of police who made themselves very unwelcome at CD acting in such homofobic and uncivil manner plus contravening every thinkable and applicable legal law more so without a warrant to do so in such unacceptable barbaric way that the chances they being dismissed/fired by the chairman during a disciplinary hearing will be almost 100%. Danie back then warned the police that their utmost uncivil and unwelcome illegal visit at CD will bare serious consequences for them but fell on (expected) death ears and now will turn out real bad and ugly for them in near future. Indeed it did so far when the judge agreed with Danie and ordered the SAP to stay away from CD and not to enter that premises again without a proper legal warrant or harass patrons in any way whatsoever, awarding costs to Danie as well. Obviously obtaining such a legal warrrant will be extremely difficult as we do absolute nothing illegal. So boys, those who ask others for money to have sex please do not try that at CD ever - that is not allowed since day one and will never be tolerated - do not use drugs either - as we did for more than 20 years now CD, is the only upmarket gay men only nude bar in SA and longest running in history. Obide by our rules and you/we won't have problems in any way. After all, who wants to pay for all that lovely cocks if you can have it for free? Stick to pick as many you want but don't have to pay is what CD is about. We are not a brothel and never will be. The judge actually welcomed the existance of a safe and secure venue where gay/bi guys can have fun without the risk of being assaulted and robbed if not killed by homofobic gay bashers, robbers and killers. Having a good time as CD is now even better than ever after we upgraded the venue for example installing inverters/batteries at great expense so that generators are no longer needed to spoil your fun. Indeed you can tan in the sun at the new added David bar in the court yard and relax with a cold beer in the hand. Have a nice weekend! 👏👏👏🤗😘😘 We love you and want you to enjoy the cocks! Open every day from 12h00 365 days of the year!! 0724972500 for more inquiries!😝😉 Membership fee of R150 payable upon entry. Our new court yard bar is a winner!!! Enjoy tanning naked in the sun with a cold beer in the hand!!

Thanks Rob and welcome to all new members. We strive to give you the best time and value for money. The staff and I are proud to have such a nice venue but even better such a nice crowd supporting us and having a nice time there at the new Camp David! Please invite your friends to join in the fun now that it is approved even on court order/paper!👍🤗