Hallo boys - yes the new dungeon dark room fuck area at Camp David really took off with a bang and became so unbelievable popular within one week attendance of horny hunks at CD doubled in numbers and are still rising even during week days and nights!👏🫣👌 More exciting news - the construction of your brand new gay bar WHY NOT EXCLUSIVE LOUNGE & BAR opposite CD kicked off with a bang today as building contractors moved in amidst noisy trucks off loading cement, bricks and sand. Be sure this will be your favourite pop in spot before visiting CD or vice versa!

Woof, can wait to experience this...I'll bet this will be fun.
Welcome to all new Camp David Nude Bar Wix/Spaces members!!😉😁🤗 May all your sexual fantasies become reality and keep in mind Camp David is the only legal sexual cruise bar in SA - so duly ruled by the Supreme High Court on 18 July 2023👌👍😛
And welcome to our new sexy barman James!👏😁
And soon you will have Why Not Exclusive Gay Bar opposite CD where you will have the oppertunity to "recruit" new fresh young horny cock and ass! My word - the future looks bright!